Tuesday, 27 October 2009

Yet another cancellation.

Well today we were due to see our doctor, Dr. Death Part 2 (yes, I'll tell you about it one day.), but we didn't get to see him or any other doctor, as my other half didn't sleep well last night, plus she still had a headache.
I would've gone, because we have been told- in so many words- that unless she does go (for a "Review" of her current medication), then she won't get her meds this Friday (when she normally gets them).
Now to most people reading this, if there are any that is, this is simply not on/stupid/unreasonable/mad/crazy/a "WTF??" Moment.
Can a doctor really withhold a person's current medication? For a Silly Reason?
...Answers and suggestions.

On a more personal note, woke up this morning feeling crap as usual, and pondered on life and the Universe as usual. Came up with 42. (see: Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy for that one).
Okay no I didn't come up with 42. It's 57. But seriously, got me to thinking about my current life- whatever that means- and it hit me yet again how pathetic I am, at this stage in life. I don't have a whole 'life' ahead of me. I'm not a teenager. I haven't done anything really inspirational or awesome or relatively Amazing. And I'm unhappy about that, but, the way I saw it, laying on the sofa trying to hold up my eyelids, was there was no way whatsoever that I could change that. What was the point, at my age? I've never heard of a 40-something starting out in Graphic Arts, Photography, Carpentry, HTML/Java Genius or similar occupations or fields.
And then my mind shifted, to the single thought or premise of this: Start NOW.

All I can say for that, for now.

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