Monday, 9 November 2009

Ignored as usual

I don't need this.
Not the thing in my head that tells me I'm insane. Or rather, Not Very Well, Really.
Not that. That's here for life. It is meant to be.

No, not that. What I don't need is my 'significant other' (err, 'scuse me, who first thought that one up? Why?)- telling me that I'm uncaring, selfish, not right, in manners that dictate themselves through her very facial dispostions, in a way that yells in your face the obligatory 'F Off!!', .....because it is wrong.
I haven't done a thing, nor said anything bad or nasty, that warrants such a thought or such actions. And yet it still goes on.

I don't need this, because I have to face the stupid, ugly, bad, nasty, uncaring, selfish, dangerous, homophobic, racist, judgemental, ignorant people outside everyday.
And I find it hard to cope with them let alone this, AND my own illness.